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CV preparation

how to best prepare your resume

Summarize your education and employment experience

Be sure to focus on the aspects of your background that match the requirements of the job you ’re applying for and skip the things that are outdated or irrelevant.

Be honest & concise

Paint the best possible picture of yourself, but don’t exaggerate. And check for typos and errors—more than once!

Target your resume

If you are applying for a specific position, be sure to call out experience or accomplishments that make you qualified—or even more qualified than another applicant. For example, if you ’ve worked with a particular technology the job requires or you have experience that might give you an edge, be sure to mention it.

Focus on accomplishments

Everyone has job duties; it’s how you approached them and what you accomplished in carrying them out that makes you stand out.

Show progress

Whether it’s in school, leadership roles, or your work, highlight how your experience has helped you grow. Mention promotions or skills you ’ve picked up along the way.

Talk about related extracurricular or volunteer work

Just because you weren’t paid for it, that doesn’t mean it’s not important! If you have this type of experience, include it to underscore your passion for the field.

It’s okay to use more than one page

Include all relevant experience rather than cutting things to make your resume fit on one page. That said, be sure your summaries are brief and your most important information appears on the first page.